President, Ryoji Sakai D.Med
Date of inauguration
Ryoji is Founder and President of Medical Safety Promotion Organization
(MSPO) since May 2021.
He also established International Association of Risk Management
in Medicine (IARMM) in April 2002 in Switzerland
and has served as President
(IARMM World Head quarter was relocated in 2005 in Tokyo).
In January 2002 he started Japan Society of Risk Management in Medicine
(JSRMPM), and served as President till 2012.
He also contributed to establishing Japan Society of Clinical Safety (JPSCS) and
International Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM)
JPSCS targeted mainly medical safety involving patient safety,
and he was the President till December 2020,
and is now a JPSCS Honor Fellow.
Ryoji served as professors at many universities in several countries.
Through the long academic carrier, he has engaged in global investigation of
safety issues in medical science.
In the University of Tokyo, he studied and gave lectures in cancer molecular
pathology, preventive medicine, epidemiology, medical statistics,
public health, environmental health, medical informatics, etc.
In Harvard University, he further researched epidemiology and risk science.
Japan Society of Epidemiology,
Japan Society of Behavior Medicine, Department of International Health
in The University of Tokyo.
His area of major interest is global investigation on various topics of safety
and risk such as patient safety, disaster medicine,
infectious disease pandemic, traffic safety, food safety,
at the viewpoint of interdisciplinary and comprehensive
and science base of a research triangle cooperation of academic,
government and industry.
Excecutive Directors
Excec. Director Somarch Wongkhomthong MD
Date of inauguration
Nov 11, 2023
Horn. Prof. Mahidol University, Thailand. M.D and D.H.Sc from Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. MPH from Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA.
Former Professor and Chairman of the Department of International Community Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. Former Director and Professor of ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University, Thailand. Former CEO Group 4 of Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) Public Company Limited, Thailand
Excec. Director Aatushi Kudao MD
Prof Medical Safety, Assistnt Hospital Director, Tokyo Medical & Dental University Hospital, Japan
Date of inauguration
April 1, 2024
Graduated at Faculty of Medicine, Facutlty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical & Dental University
Excec. Director Kento Doi MD
Prof Acute Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan
Date of inauguration
Oct 1, 2021
Graduated at Faculty of Medicine, Facutlty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. Engaged in US National Institute of Health (NIH).
Excec. Director Satoshi Fujii, PhD.
Date of inauguration
Feb 22, 2023
He is a professor at department of urban management, Kyoto University and also a director of resilience research unit, Kyoto University, visitting professor of Karlstad University, and used to be a special advisor to the ABE Cabinet (2012-2018). Special fields of studies include public poilcy research including urban planning research and economic policy research, behavioral decision making, and psychology. .
Excec. Director Kazuhosa Takemura PhD
Date of inauguration
March 12, 2023
He is a professor at the Department of Psychology, Waseda University and the director of the University's Center for Decision Research, and a research fellow at the Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (System Science) from Tokyo Institute of Technology, and an additional Ph.D. (Medical Science) from Kitasato University. He was also Fulbright Senior Researcher at the Department of Social and Decision Science, Carnegie Mellon University (USA). His main research area is human judgment and decision-making, especially the mathematical modeling of judgment and choice under risk and uncertainty, and risk communication. He received a Fellow Award from the International Association of Applied Psychology (in 2018), and Kimura Award, Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology (in 2021), and a Hayashi Award (Achievement Award) from the Behavior metric Society (in 2022). In the course of his career, he has taught extensively on behavioral decision theory at many universities (Waseda University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, University of Tsukuba, Kobe University, Nagoya University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Gakushuin University, Rikkyo University, Tokyo International University, Kitasato University, Venice International University, St. Petersburg State University, and National Cheng Kung University).
Director Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi MD
Prof Infectiou disease, Hpspital Director of The Institute of Medical Science Hospital, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Date of inauguration
He has been working and studying infection control and
clinical infectious diseases at the University of Tokyo Hospital
and the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. From 2018,
he has been the director of the Medical Safety and Infection Control
Center of the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo,
and has been in charge of medical safety at the hospital.
in 2 years from 2021, he was the director of the hospital and
is responsible for the medical safety of the hospital.
He is also the chairman of the infection control committee
and the director of the infection control department in the facility
regarding infection control. Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus
infection, he has been taking measures against infection not only
in the facility but also in various companies,
and is working on infection control as medical safety.
Director Tsuyoshi Sasaki MD
Project Prof. The University of Tokyo Hospital, Pathology, Japan
Date of inauguration
April 12, 2021
Director Milenko L Tanasijevic MD, PhD
MD, PhD, Assoc Prof. Harvard Medical School, Director, Clinical Laboratories in Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston USA
Date of inauguration
July 26,2021
He is a pathologist in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his medical degree from University Kiril and Metodij Faculty of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. He is giving many excellent educational lectures of patient safety in the world conferences. One of top leaders of patient safety in Harvard Hopsital.
Director Masaki Q. Fujita, MD, PhD
Professor of Keio University, Japan
Date of inauguration
Prof. Masaki Q. Fujita, graduated from Osaka University in 1986, is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Legal Medicine (Forensic Medicine) at Keio University School of Medicine since 2005. He also serves as Associate Director of Student Affairs Office since 2011, and Advisor of Keio University Hospital Clinical Safety Committee since 2018. He has been the President of The Japanese Association of Criminology since 2018, and is the Member of Science Council of Japan (2006-2008 and 2017-2023). He works in the field of medical risk management, especially in death cause investigation of medical accident cases, and, is well known as the author of the book entitled "The Standpoint of the Forensic Pathologist in Medical Disputes." from Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc. (Tokyo), 2016.
Director Shoji Kawauchi, MD, PhD
Date of inauguration
June 1, 2022
Proffessor, Teikyo University, Director, Safety Control Department,
From 2002 - National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM). From 2006 during the stay in NCGM, had engaged the study for Avian Influenza supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a chief researcher for 10 years as Visiting Senior Researcher of National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
In 2016, had moved to Teikyo University, and working as a Head of Safety Control Department in Teikyo University Hospital, and a Director of Asia International Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Teikyo University.
Director Hisato Ikeda, MD, PhD
Date of inauguration
April 1, 2024
Dr. Ikeda is a director of cerebrovascular disease center and department of neurosurgery, Showa university Koto Toyosu Hospital.
He is neurosurgeon and has most interest to cerebrovascular surgery, neurointensive care, social medical network, clinical nutrition and medical education. His current research addresses to managements and surgery of stroke, pre-hospital stroke networks and In-hospital emergency response especially Rapid Response System (RRS).
Director Masao Nagayama, MD, PhD, FAAN, FACP, FNCS
Date of inauguration
Jan 16, 2025
Departments of Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, and Preventive Medicine
International University of Health and Welfare, Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Medical Safety Management
International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) Narita Hospital
Neurocritical Care Society (NCS, 2019-2021)
American College of Physicians (ACP) Japan Chapter
Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC)
Japanese Society of Neurology Metropolitan Meeting (2020), and many more.
Medical safety, especially Crisis management (developed the Post-Accidental Response Management, PARM),
Critical Care Neurology especially, Stroke, Status epilepticus, Refractory neurological diseases, Brain death
Medical English Education, Medical ethics
Special Seniar Members
Seniar Advisor Hiroshi Shimoda PhD
Date of inauguration
Oct 1. 2021
He is a Human Factors professor of the University Kyoto, and he
graduated from Engineering School in that university.
His reserch topic is interface between man and machine.
He is one of top authorities of Human Factors in Japan.
Takeya Tsutsumi MD
Prof Infectiou Disease, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan
Date of inauguration
July 10, 2022
Since 2020, I have been engaged in the infection control and prevention of COVID-19 as deputy director of the COVID-19 task force at The Institute of Medical Science Hospital, The University of Tokyo. Since 2021, I have been the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Applied Immunology at the same hospital.
After moving to The University of Tokyo Hospital in July 2022, I have been engaged as a professor in the infection control and treatment of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, as the director of the Department of Infection Control and Prevention, the director of the Infection Control Center, and the chief of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the hospital.
Hisakazu Ohtani PhD
Date of inauguration
Dec 1. 2023
Prof. Dept. Phamacology, Keio University Kyoto School of Medicine, Tokyo. He graduated from Faculty of Phamacoloy in the Universityof Tokyo.
Atsushi Asai, MD, Master of Bioethics, PhD.
Date of inauguration
Feb 19, 2024
He is Professor of Medical Ethics at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. He has been involved in education and research in the field of medical ethics, specializing in clinical ethics and medical humanities. He has also served as the member of ethics committee for several universities, academic societies, health organizations, and hospitals. He has also practiced general internal medicine in two community hospitals.
Honor Members
Brian Jarman
Date of inauguration
May 25, 2022
He was Professor of Primary Health Care at Imperial College School of Medicine and President of the British Medical Association. He developed the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR) methodology.
Jeams Reason
Date of inauguration
Jun 10, 2022
He is Emeritus Prof. The University of Manchester, UK. An expert in humman factors. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Royal Aeronautical Society, the British Academy and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. He was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2003 in recognition of his work in harm reduction in hospitals.
Yoshitake Yokokura
Date of inauguration
24 Jun,e 2023
former President of World Medical Assoction, Honor President of Japan Medical Asociation, former President of Asia Pacific Medical Association
Shinichi Takamoto
Date of inauguration
April 1, 2024
Emeritus Prof. University of Tokyo. We dedicated in President of The Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. Dr. Takamote has published numerous books and papers on patient safety, and is the founder and leading figure of patient safety from a clinical standpoint in Japan. He has served on numerous committees related to patient safety and has been leading the way in patient-centered patient safety.
Masahisa Fukayama
Date of inauguration
July 12,2021
He is Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo (Pathology) and past President of the Japan Society of Pathology (2012-2017). Given importance of pathological anatomy in healthcare, he spreaded pathological anatomical inspection in medical accident advanced.
Allen J. Vaida PharmD, FASHP
Date of inauguration
Nov. 24, 2021
MSPO Visiting Prof. He is former Executive Vice President at the Institute for
Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). He served as a trustee of ISMP from its
incorporation as a nonprofit organization in 1994 until his employment
in 2000 and retirement in 2021.
Prior to joining ISMP, Allen served as Director of Pharmacy,
Assistant Vice President, Vice President of Clinical Operations,
and Chief Operating Officer at Mercy Suburban Hospital in Norristown,
PA. Dr. Vaida has been an advocate of medication safety throughout
his career and served as the first chair of the Center for
Proper Medication Use, an organization formed under
the Pennsylvania Society of Health System Pharmacists that
co-sponsored the first fellowship in medication safety,
in cooperation with ISMP. He served on the inaugural United States
Pharmacopeia's Safe Medication Use Expert Committee from 2000
through 2005, the US FDA Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory
Committee, and currently serves as a member of the US FDA Pharmacy
Compounding Advisory Committee. He has also served as clinical assistant
professor at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia,
adjunct assistant professor at Temple University School of Pharmacy,
and adjunct associate professor for the Centers for Health Policy
and Primary Care and Outcomes Research at Stanford University
and Stanford University School of Medicine. He has published numerous
articles and given professional presentations in the US and
internationally on hospital and pharmacy systems and management,
error prevention strategies, healthcare outcomes, integrated systems,
and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Dr. Vaida received a BSc in Biology from the University of Scranton,
a BSc in Pharmacy from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science,
and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota.
In 2017 he received the Sister Gonzales Lecture Award from the
Pennsylvania Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Shunei Kyo
Date of inauguration
Oct 1,2021
He is a hospital director of Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital.
After graduatation from Medical School of the University of Tokyo,
he studied Left Ventricular Assist Device at Massachusetts General
Hospital in Harvard University.
He served as President of Japanese Society
for Artificial Organs, Clinical Professor of Depratment of Heart
surgeryy in the UUniversity of Tokyo Hospital.
His major interest
is medical device safty.
Hideaki Karaki
Doctor of Agriculture Veterinarian
Date of inauguration
He is Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo and President of the Foundation of Food Safety and Security. He previously served as President of the Kurashiki University of Science and the Art, Vice President of the Science Council of Japan, and expert member of the Food Safety Commission of the Cabinet office. He is a prominent authority on risk management and risk communication in food safety and health management and advises administrative staff of government and executive officers of the food-related companies. His areas of expertise include pharmacology, toxicology, and public health.
Supervisor Shintaro Kurihara
Professor, Safety Division, Nagasaki University Hospital, Japan
Date of inauguration
Jan 1. 2022
Supervisor Takahiro Suzuki
Yokohama University of Pharmacy , Faculty of Pharmacy
Date of inauguration
May 22. 2024
COO Yumi Tobita
Chief of Secretariat, Chair of International Public Relations Committee, Academic Affairs Officer of HEPMS. Graduate of Ochanomizu University Graduate School.
Date of inauguration
Oct 1. 2022