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Information Management Guidelines


Protect information in the storage and management of various data related to research and other activities. This will provide a safe and secure environment for research activities at MSPO.

(Operation Method)

An Information Management Office shall be permanently established for the protection of information. The Information Management Office shall be in charge of its mission in accordance with the activity policy formulated by the Corporate Strategy Division.


The following policies will be applied when handling confidential materials that require a high level of confidentiality, such as research data, accounting data, and e-mails, within the Organization.
1. Those involved must not disclose to the outside any research information that is under consideration by the Organization. Violators will be subject to fines and expulsion/resignation.
2. It is prohibited to take out any internal documents by printing/electromagnetic copying/photography. If it is necessary to take pictures of the materials inside the organization, the director’s permission is required, and those materials must be discarded immediately after use.
3. Protecting Information on the Internet
 1) Do not use a static IP address.
 2) Install appropriate antivirus software on all PCs.
 3) Do not use the external cloud for electronic data storage.
 4) When dealing with research data, work only on standalone PCs that are not connected to the Internet.
 5) When disclosing research information to the outside, paper-based mailing system must be used instead of email distribution.
 6) When data is collected via the net, it should be copied to a standalone PC and deleted from the PC connected to the net.
 7) The nets should be used on the highest level of authentication system.
 8) Take all other appropriate security measures as required.
