Donate (Apply from the Web)

1. Please follow the form and submit it.

    The receipt is issued after payment confirmation.

2. After submitting the form, we will send you an e-mail with the information you have entered.
  If you have not received it, please contact us at the e-mail address below.

3. Please choose from the following methods to make your payment.
  a. bank transfer
        Beneficiary Bank : MUFG Bank, LTD.
        SWIFT code /BIC code : BOTKJPJT
        Branch Name : Hongo Branch
        Beneficiary Account Number : 351-0328852
        Beneficiary Name : Medical Safety Promotion Organization

  b. PayPal
        To make a fixed amount donation, please select an amount from the list below and make your payment.
        ※The PayPal button requires an account. If you do not have an account, please select the button below and enter your card information.
        ※No commission fee will be charged.

  c. PayPal(For arbitrary amount you wish)
        If you would like to donate an arbitrary amount, please select "Send" from here, fill in the amount, and make your payment.
        ※A PayPal account is required. No fees are charged.
